Ministry of Counseling & enrichment

New Client Paperwork:

All new clients must have read and signed this "Informed Consent" paperwork AND have a completed intake in order to receive counseling services.  If your child is the client, then parents must read and sign the Informed Consent on behalf of the child.   

Special Note for Child/Adolescent Clients:

If applicable, a copy of the most recent custody agreement (or other formal paperwork) that delineates the parent's/guardian's ability to consent for treatment must accompany the initial paperwork before a child can be seen by one of our clinicians along with a signed copy of this form.

Marital/Couple Therapy:

If you are seeking marital therapy, then each person participating in the sessions is to complete an Informed Consent and Adult Intake form. 

Adult intake:

This form must be completed if you are seeking individual or marital counseling.

Child Intake:

This form must be completed for every child participating in therapy

Adolescent Intake

This form is to be completed by both parent and teen.